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Showing posts from September, 2017

Physics in the Desert: The Batteries of Heisenberg's Caravan

Breaking Bad is an American TV series released in 2008 and completed in 2013, produced by Vince Gilligan and distributed for AMC. The show describes the rise to power of Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher, in the world of crime in order to financially support his family and pay for his medical expenses. Struck by a serious illness, Walter, along with an ex-student, decides that the only way to finance the exorbitant therapeutic costs is to embrace the life of a drug lord. Jessie Pinckman (left) and Walter White (right) in their secret lab. In one of the episodes, the two colleagues venture into the desert to start another "working day" but Jessie leaves the caravan keys inserted in the compartment. As a result, the caravan's batteries are discharged and the two see themselves stuck in the middle of the scorching New Mexico desert. In order to survive, Walter finds a solution and manages to recharge his batteries using his knowledge of Chemistry. Heisenber

Physics on the BattleField: The Night Vision Goggles in Narcos

The series has gained an international fame from the first season. Narcos is a very popular American TV series produced and distributed for Netflix. The show tells the story of Pablo Escobar and, in the third season, focuses on the empire of the Cali cartel. The show has achieved a great international resonance and, in 2016, has been awarded as "Best Dramatic TV Show". In one of the episodes of the last season, Agent Peña and the informant Bern have the task of saving an American girl, captured by a group of guerrillas, who has the key to unmask the shady deals of the most dangerous Colombian cartel. The mission must be carried out in the jungle and Peña's soldiers are forced to use night-vision goggles to detect enemies hidden in the bushes. Let's analyze how these sensors can detect the presence of people and animals, even if hidden by walls! Any hot object emits characteristic thermal radiation. For ease, we consider the radiation emitted by a black bod

The Physics of a Journey: Time in Interstellar

Interstellar is the famous film by Cristopher Nolan, released in 2014. It was a great success thanks to the amazing plot and the extraordinary interpretation of Matthew McConaughey, all glazed by the emotional soundtrack produced by Hans Zimmer. The former pilot and engineer Cooper, commissioned by NASA, has the task of finding a new home for humanity due to a major drought that rages on planet Earth. To reach the unexplored worlds, Cooper will have to cross a space-time tunnel, Worm-Hole, which will catapult him to light years from every affection. In this journey, time and space will inevitably mingle following Einstein's General Relativity guidelines. Cooper and his daughter Murphy awaiting the departure towards new planets At some point in the journey, Cooper and his team must visit a planet that, according to their analysis, could be habitable. However, the planet orbits around a massive black hole, Gargantua, and the team must consider the risks of this expedition.

Physics of Football: Pirlo's free kick

Andrea Pirlo was born in Flero (Italy) in 19 May 1979. From a young age, he shows great football skills that have given him the deserved nickname of "Maestro" of football. His game reflects an amazing technique; Pirlo is rightly considered as one of the best midfielders in the history of Italian and international football. His specialty are the free kicks, the curse of goal keepers. Not surprisingly, Pirlo's free kick has been defined: "La Maledetta" (the Cursed Free kick). Andrea Pirlo, nicknamed the Football Master Let's analyze the physics of this football prowess. La Maledetta is a type of trajectory that Andrea imparts to the ball. The ball, in fact, suddenly lowers, after the barrier, and tricks the goalkeeper. How does he manage to make the ball bend in this way? Another Master offers us the answer we are looking for. The Bernoulli equation shows that by increasing the velocity of the air particles, the pressure exerted on the lower surface of

The Game of Thrones: The Physics behind Viserion

Winter is coming. The penultimate episode of the famous series "The Game of Thrones" has given strong and conflicting emotions to the vast international audience interested in the show. Although the audience is accustomed to narrative upheavals in the plot of the story, the death of the dragon Viserion has left a bitter taste in viewers. For those not following the show, here is a very brief summary. Daenerys, legitimate heir to the Iron Throne, decides to clash with Queen Cersei and the entire Lannister House to claim her role. The Queen of Dragons has, in fact, three enormous dragons capable of spitting out incandescent flames able to incinerate their adversaries. Suddenly, another fearsome adversary, the Night King, looks out from the northern borders of the known kingdom and terrorizes the inhabitants of the continent. In fact, this warrior is able to bring back to life the fallen in battle and intends to march on Westeros with his massive army of undead. In a desp